Love, Joy, Peace...

Our humble beginning started when God divinely inspired one, Rev. Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Sr. to start a church. Early in 1975, Rev. Harris, Sr. met with a group of followers and family members to find a location. Rev. Harris, Sr. and followers thought hard and long on the name of God’s church.  God inspired the name to be Vineyard Missionary Baptist Church.  The followers found a store front church located at 4236 Reynes Street in Gentilly.  Thus, giving birth to Vineyard Missionary Baptist Church.  The members met on March 2, 1975 and voted Rev. Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Sr. as Pastor with the church being chartered November 5, 1976.  The motto of the church was “The Family Church Exemplifying Family Love”. The members donated their time, talents, finances, and fund raisers to get pews, pulpit furniture, and an organ. The membership grew by leaps and bounds, with many youths from the community who began bringing their family members. Vineyard became known as the little church doing great things. In mentioning great things, the hand of God moved and Blessed Vineyard with a larger sanctuary.

Vineyard Missionary Baptist Church second home was located at 2400 Piety Street still in the 9th ward. Now in a larger sanctuary, the little church is now the little church on the corner still doing great things. The membership continued to grow as they served God as good stewards. Pastor Harris, Sr. taught us to “always” be good stewards over God’s things and God will Bless you for your Faithfulness.

In 1995, some twenty years later, God’s Favor for the Faithfulness was seen. The hand of God moved again. This time increasing Vineyard’s territory.  Vineyard acquired the church at 2401 Piety Street. This property also had a building behind it that was used for the Fellowship Hall.  The Blessings did not stop there. Vineyard also acquired the property at 2400 Desire Street. God truly Blessed the Faithfulness of Pastor Harris Sr and the membership. Now, Vineyard is known as the little church on 3 corners doing great things.  That’s right, 2400 Piety Street, 2401 Piety Street and 2400 Desire Street.   Under the divine leadership of Pastor Harris, Sr. many community events were started.  The 2400 Piety Street location was dedicated as the youth center and named the Mary Anderson Youth Center. Ms. Mary Anderson was an original member who always gathered the youth in the community to go the Sunday School and Church. The youth center became a major part of the church and the community.  In 1996, Arron Harris, Sr. (youngest son of Pastor Harris, Sr.) founded Destiny Production, a non-profit music school.  Brother Arron and other noted church musicians from across the city taught free music lessons (keyboard, percussion, and string instruments) to any youth between the ages of 6 to 16.  Youth came from all surrounding parishes as well as in the city. In 1998, Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Jr., (Pastor Harris, Sr. oldest son) founded Youth for Positive Change. A non-profit dedicated to improving the life of youth through mentoring and working through life lessons. The youth bible study was called Jamming Tuesdays.  This is where the youth were taught how to cook, set tables and serve food while learning things like anger management and how to address bullying. The youth came in record numbers.  

Then came Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  The devastation to the city was implausible. The only savable structure was the 2401 Piety Street Sanctuary. Rev Harris Sr. was hurt but encouraged the members to hold on to “Faith” it was not the end. The Hurricane allowed Rev. Harris to use insurance money to pay off all of the properties leaving Vineyard debt free. Shortly following Hurricane Katrina, Rev. Harris, Sr. became ill and did not see the rebuilding of the church. 

In 2010, Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Jr. accepted his calling to the ministry.  Rev. Harris, Jr. immediately began rebuilding his father’s dream, starting with the 2401 Piety Sanctuary. In 2011 members and officers met naming Rev. Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Jr. as the pastor. The church motto: “A New Direction, A Challenge of your Faith”. Membership was slow in returning as many moved away from the city.  As time went on, membership grew again.  God anointed Pastor Harris, Jr. with an awesome gift of teaching and preaching. Pastor Harris, Jr. had an arduous task of rebuilding/building a church from scratch and he used all of his God given talents. The little church on the corner was back and still doing great things.  Pastor Harris, Jr. told many that once you walk through the doors of this church your life will never, ever be the same.  For the Hand of God is Blessing this little church on the corner.  Rev. Dr. Ellsworth Harris, Jr. taught the members how to carry on in his absent.  God called him home after he finished his earthly father’s dream and that was at least putting the sanctuary back.  We are carrying out the wishes of our founders. Vineyard is under the divine leadership of Rev. Thomas Lovince.  Run on Vineyard Missionary Baptist Church and keep doing great works in the Lord!